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Technician Development


Research Culture Institutional Action Plan

Professional development is an important and integral part of your job, because it helps you to be successful in your current role, as well as to prepare for your future career. There are lots of ways for Cambridge technicians to do this, and you are encouraged to look for opportunities that suit you and your role, and ambitions for the future.

To help, the new Guidelines on Professional Development for Researchers explain the different types of learning and development activity and include lots of ideas. They were developed initially for early career researchers, but the principles and ideas apply equally well to most staff groups. You might find it useful to share this document with your line manager or mentor to support your conversations about your professional development and future career. 

Additionally, the University now recommends that all research staff should look to undertake 10 days of training a year. A normal breakdown of this would look like 7 days of 'on the job' training, 2 days of conferences/workshops and 1 day of more formal teaching/courses.