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Technician Development


Festival wordmarkThe Cambridge Festival will take place between the 14th and 28th March 2024 and is a great opportunity to showcase the work of the University. Technicians have and do help out with many events across various Departments and Institutes but so far there have been no dedicated events for technical staff.

The festival fits in with all four themes of the Technician Commitment: Visibility, Recognition, Career Development and Sustainability and is a perfect opportunity for us to be involved. Why you ask? There are many reasons. We are looking to showcase our skills and roles and inspire the next generation. AT the same time we can raise the profile of our roles and skill with colleagues and maybe even develop some new skills too. Whether this is confidence, communication or even project management we have some things to consider:

Schools Day: Monday 18th March. We have some volunteers already but are looking for a couple of people to do a two-hour slot on this day. All it involves is joining us to staff a table and talk about your role to interested students. Ideally you could bring an interesting object from our work to talk about and we can produce some leaflets and information.

Articles: This year we are starting small but looking for up to 5 people to write an article about their workspace, skills and role. This is a perfect opportunity to talk about your job! Read more here.

Videos: Far more interactive but perhaps a little scarier we are looking for volunteers for a short 'day in the life of' videos of your roles. They do not need to be professional and can be captured on a smart phone. More information can be found here.

Tours and Workshops: A bigger ask for this year perhaps as the deadline is early November but it is worth mentioning that tours or interactive workshops are possible. If you have an idea for this, please contact below. It is also something we'd like to expand on in future years

We also welcome any other ideas or suggestions. If you can participate or would like further information please contact John Nicolson at: